Muggaccinos Pedlars Sunday Cyclists - The Bullsheet

Sunday, 6 Oct, 7:45am from St Ives "Brunch at Bayview Marina - Lunch at Akuna Bay - 95km (may be reduced to 84km)

  • Ride Leader  Phil Johnston - 9498.3684 hm

  • Hardcopy these directions and bring on Sunday

  • If you are a slowcoach -
       leave from 7:35am and cycle E along Mona Vale Rd; and
    *    move on from the Nosh Stops early!

  • Cycle two abreast at own risk.  Keep well to LHS

  • Get off the road at Sag Stops

  • Cycling without Public Liability cover is as stupid as driving without 3rd Party - join Bicycle NSW for PL insurance, so that all Muggs are better protected

  • When passing a fellow Mugg, always provide a metre clearance.  If you can't, or are passing on the inside, you MUST call out loudly eg. "passing inside tight" etc

  • Don't ride with Muggs if your tyres are crap or your gears don't work, 'cause the Peloton is gettin' pulled up unnecessarily


St Ives car park Mona Vale Rd [opposite Pattisons Patisserie and Stanley St. junction] by 7:35am for 7:45am rollout.  If you are a slowcoach, leave early and cycle E along Mona Vale Rd.  Terrey Hills, Duffy's Forest, McCarrs Creek to West Head for a fleeting 1st Nosh Stop.  
Return to McCarrs Creek for Brunch adjacent to the water’s edge at
Bayview Marina Café [
LHS two clicks past Church Point] 2nd Nosh Stop from 10:20am [61km]. 
Return straight to St Ives [
84km - ETR 12:05pm]  Or via Akuna Bay 3rd Nosh Stop for Lunch, thence Terrey Hills, St Ives [94.7km - ETR 1:45pm].


Detailed ride spec:

First Leg:  St Ives to Terrey Hills Thai Restaurant Sag Stop - 22.2km

7:45am -

  • E along Mona Vale Rd for 6.7km,

  • L [opposite Forest Way - at Mona Vale Fruit Barn] into Myoora Rd and take a 1st Sag Stop (3 min),

  • Ahead 3km along Myoor Larool Rd,

  • L into Tepko Rd (75m short of Booralie Rd) for 400m,

  • L into Booralie Rd, 'n pedal like "shit out of Shanghai" 6.7km flat/fast stretch past Terrey Hills Golf Course and rifle range to Duffys Forest (amidst real pigs, goats, horses 'n cows),

  • "U"- turn at the dead-end of Cow Corner – NOTE: turn around as soon as you see faster cyclists returning.  Continue past Terrey Hills neighbourhood shopping centre, thru roundabout and take 2nd Sag Stop [3 min] outside Thai Restaurant at top of McCarrs Creek Rd - get well to LHS off the road.  

Second Leg:  Thai Restaurant to West Head - 18.6km (agg. 40.9km)

8:45am -

  • Descend McCarrs Creek Rd and enter Ku’ring’gai Chase National Park 3.2km to "V" (dual entrances to the park),

  • R fork - anti clockwise and descend McCarrs Creek Rd for 2km,

  • L at McCarrs Creek bridge for 1.4km to T juncture (Akuna Bay Marina is 3.5km downhill on LHS) for 3rd Sag Stop (3 min).

9am Ahead along West Head Rd for 12km to The Headland for 1st Nosh Stop (15 min) from 9:35am [40km] - pack nibbles, ‘cause we take a gawk at the majestic, shimmering peninsula - Pittwater/Lion Island.

Third Leg:  West Head to Bayview Marina - 21.5km (agg 62.4km)

9:50am -

  • Retrace 13.4km to McCarrs Creek bridge,

  • hook a L at 10:20am [53.5km] into McCarrs Creek Rd for 7.4km passing Church Point arriving at Bayview Marina Café at 10:45am for 2nd Nosh Stop [61km] 9979.5782ph (35min).

Fourth Leg: Bayview Marina to Akuna Bay - 12.8km (agg 75.2km)

Over Brunch we will ascertain who, at 11:20pm, is  -

  • cycling 23km back up McCarrs Creek Rd and onto St Ives - ETR 12:25pm; and

  • cycling 7.4km up McCarrs Creek, taking a R to loop Akuna Bay anti-clock, a further 5.1km for Brunch 3rd Nosh Stop (30 min) at Akuna Bay 12:05pm [74km].

Fifth Leg: Akuna Bay to St Ives - 19.4km (agg 94.7km)

12:35pm climb anti-clockwise from Akuna Bay to Terrey Hills and return the safe route along Myoor Larool Rd.  Do not enter Mona Vale Rd until after passing the Mona Vale Fruit Barn for the final 6.6km stretch to St Ives [94.7km] - ETR 1:45pm.

Scribe’s rap-up of Sunday, 29 Sept, "Hornsby to Pearl Beach with Iron Horse home" - 93km

A windyish, clear morn' didn't deter the faithful from mustering in sunny nook in Jersey St in ample time for a 11 crew to roll out smack on eight bells.  BackPacker did better than his norm' by arriving at 8:05am postulating "where is everyone?"  But Bruce soon caught up.

Scribe's pre-ride enquiry as to whom had hard copied the Ride Description revealed only Ros had bothered.  And the initial turn at the top of Jersey St indicated that no one had read the Ride Description - seemingly content to follow like browns' cows.  Scant attention to detail to a sport with a high accident rate, doesn't bode well if a crew ever wants to rely upon insurance cover provided to BUG Ride Organisers.

With Nigger Chores a callin', ToothFairy and Princess Monaco bade us farewell at The Village Store after 35km.  And BackPacker was collected by his better half, Jill, together with new sprog, Isabelle, at Calga.

The above and below shots were snapped at Kariong Shell Garage after 54km approaching 11am.

L to R - Malvern Star, Whippet, Nurse Karen, Rocket Ros, Publican, Navigator, Susie 'n Tornado - no doubt spruiking heaps of important stuff.

Post-ride back at Hornsby, Tornado, Rocket 'n Publican soaked up the sun after 93 contented clicks, albeit Teller jumped out at Berowra to squeeze in another 7.

NB:    We'll be giving the "Sit 'n Chat Café" at Pearl Beach the flick-pass in future.  It might be alright for the Near-Dead Toffs who parade around the dearest real estate on the Lower Central Coast in their Mercs 'n Bentleys.  But the café is a bit pricey for pedal pushers.  We just have to suss-out that fish 'n chip shop that Widget bought the chips that she scrumptiously slipped into us whilst we waited for some service at the Sit 'n Chat a few years ago.

The Scribe   1 Oct '02