Basement/laundry door

Path from garage to laundry/basement

Spare access key to basement/laundry on top left Besser Block on LHS of above basement/laundry door

Access to basement/laundry

Use the door key on your key ring or use the hidden key immediately to LHS of the white timber door - explained below.

Rinnai instant hot water system on RHS of basement/laundry door

Washing Machine inside basement/laundry door - see small white Rinnai hot water switch panel on RHS of washing machine


Washing Machine Operating Instructions

See the above keypad on RHS of the above washing machine upon arrival, so you know what it is and how it should look.  Below is a close up picture of the Rinnai keypad. Presently, it heats to 45 degrees so the key pad shows 45 degrees.  You can easily tap the ‘On’ or ‘Off’ button and the arrows to make hot water slightly warmer or cooler.

Keys to the two further store rooms inside basement/laundry are kept in below white Swisse 'SLEEP' plastic container

Always latch the external white timber laundry/basement door to stop it blowing shut or one of the internal two doors inside the basement/laundry similarly blowing shut with a 'bang'.

Some of your plastic boxes in the rear basement room.